Industrial ydrogenated oil
Industrial hydrogen gas
Technical index of stearic
Industrial a-amylase
Anhydrous ammonia liquid
Polyurethane Adhesive
Ammonium hydroxide
Alkaline protease for
Industrial acidic protease
Industrial neutral protease
Industrial alkaline protease
Acidic protease for alcoholic
Industrial lipase
Agricultural ammonium
alkaline protease for detergent

1. Product Characteristics and Applications:

The alkaline protease for detergent is dyed mixure of alkaline protease and

other components in the forms of bright green or light blue particles. The

particles is in the right size to distribute evenly in the detergent.

The addition of this product in synthetic detergents can improve its

cleaning power, esp. to stains containing proteins, such as blood, urine,

sweat, fruit juice, etc.

2. Quality spec:

conforms to QB1806-93, the industrial standard for industrial enzymes in the People's Republic of China.

3. Product spec, Packing and Storage:

Product spec: 20 thousand unit/gram

Packing: 25kg (N.W.) in cardboard box lined with plastic bag and woven bag.

Storage: keep cool, dry and ventilated; heat, moisture, and direct sunshine may result in the loss of enzyme


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