Industrial ydrogenated oil
Industrial hydrogen gas
Technical index of stearic
Industrial a-amylase
Anhydrous ammonia liquid
Polyurethane Adhesive
Ammonium hydroxide
Alkaline protease for
Industrial acidic protease
Industrial neutral protease
Industrial alkaline protease
Acidic protease for alcoholic
Industrial lipase
Agricultural ammonium
industrial acidic protease

1. Property and Characteristics:

The product, acidic protease, is the result of deep fermentation of an

aspergillus. The final product is in powdery form.

This product can rapidly decompose proteins under acidic condition. The

action pH is 2.5-4.0, with 3.0 as the best;the best action temperature is

55℃; stable under 40℃; soluble in water.

2. Applications:

The product is widely used in leather, wool, animal feed, and brewing industries. The fur processed by this

product has the properties of light, thin, soft and warm; the processed wool has improved texture, and has

increased degree of dying, resulting in brilliant colors; used as additives in animal feed, it can raise the

degree of protein utilization due to the decomposition of proteins; in brewing industry, it is used to improve

the flavor of their products.

3. Quality Spec:

QB1805.3-93。 brown or gray powder; conforms to QB1805.3-93, the industrial standard for industrial

enzymes in the People's Republic of China.

4. Product spec, Packing and Storage:

Product spec: 40 thousand unit/gram, or 50 thousand unit/gram.

Packing: solid form: 20kg (N.W.) in cardboard box, divided into 10 plastic bags of 2kg each.

Storage: keep cool, dry and ventilated; heat, moisture, and direct sunshine may result in the loss of enzyme


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